Flexible law practice management software built to streamline legal processes and tasks throughout your law firm. Client Management, Document Automation, Matter Management, Billing, and much more all in one place.

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Time Saving | Law Practice Management Software

Save Time With Superior Document Management

Our law practice management software helps you assemble & organize your paperwork to reduce errors & save time.

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#1 Law Practice Management Software For Law Firms

Save Time With Automation

Better Client Experiences

Maximize Billable Hours

Grow Your Law Firm

  • Generate documents in seconds using document templates auto-filled with client & matter information
  • Auto-save documents to corresponding matter folders. Easily search & find your documents
  • Integrate with Microsoft Office to open, edit, and save documents seamlessly
  • Unique, detailed client records
  • Different workflows per matter type
  • Custom templates & folder structures
  • Task & deadline automation

Automated workflows provide end-to-end client & matter management by organizing client data assigning tasks, creating documents from templates, and automating next steps.

Create exceptional client experiences every day!

Automate Your Client & Matter Management

Workflow | Law Practice Management Software

  • Built-in time tracking
  • Financial reporting
  • Push all fee information through to accounting
  • Fund management & legal compliance

Run billing from your matters and post your financial information to the powerful general ledger. Get the most out of fixed and contingency fees with our all-in-one solution.

Billing & Time Tracking Made Easy

Billing & Accounting | Law Practice Management Software

Integrating Legal Software

Integrate Actionstep With Outlook 

Manage matters and organize your inbox together with Actionstep's outlook add-in. 

  • Access matter details from your inbox
  • Manage contacts & matters
  • Automatically update clients with matter developments
  • Save time with email templates and tasks
See It In ActionSee It In ActionSee It In ActionLearn More

Thinking Of Moving To The Cloud?

If you are a law firm considering moving to cloud-based legal technology, this whitepaper will help put all the considerations into perspective. This whitepaper is written specifically about cloud-based legal technology and explores: 

  • The commonly perceived barriers to adoption.
  • The real business benefits of using cloud-based practise management software. 
  • The top questions to ask to help you assess which cloud software provider is right for your firm.

Whitepaper Download

USA: 800 257 4042

3425 W Leigh Street, Richmond, VA 23230


AU: 02 8011 3682

NZ: 02 8011 3682

UK: 0203 955 7666

Adaptable, All-in-One Law Firm Software

Legal practice management for modern law firms.

Actionstep is an adaptable software platform for modern law firms to manage and grow their practice. Built in the cloud, with workflow at its heart, Actionstep transforms legal productivity at every step. 

Copyright © Actionstep 

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